Abandoned: Discovery Island Fanon


As its name implies, the costume is actually a Disneyland park Mickey Mouse character costume with photo negative coloring. It is unknown why it was colored as such. It contains all of the classic Mickey Mouse features, such as circular ears, a small pointed tail, a pointed nose, a large grin, buttoned pants, shoes, and gloves. If reversed, it shows Mickey Mouse's original colors.


He Starts at Cam 3.his Timer Starts in 3AM if Character Prep is Empty.He Goes to the Broadcasting room,Lounge,Storage Room,Meat Freezer and Finaly the Office.And Everywhere he goes to the rooms it turns Photo Negative


when he moves, he will say the following quotes

  • "Smell your Death"
  • *Weird Gibberish sounds*


  • He is Also Know as Disneyland Park Photo Negative Mickey
  • Some Sounds is a Reversed and low Pitch version of The Lucky Mouse
  • in The Lounge the Other Mickey is a Reference to Corruptus in the Staff area



When he Says Smell your Death

When His Saying Weird Gibberish Sounds
