Abandoned: Discovery Island Fanon

This page belongs to User:TheDeadBody. You must ask for permission if you want to edit the page. However, if there are any spelling mistakes, you can be glad to fix them. Thank you for reading.

Normal MS Paint Mickey


Unlike MS Paint Negative Mickey, He looks like him but except that he has his original color drawn.


He starts in a verison of Character Prep 1, but poorly drawn. (Poorly Drawn Character Prep 1) Then he goes to the Poorly Drawn Staff Area. Then his behavior continues with him going to the Poorly Drawn Meat Freezer, Poorly Drawn Lounge and then the office. You must shut off a camera to survive.



He can say the following things when moving.

  • I will turn you poorly drawn
  • Who are you? Who am I?
  • Hello, man who is poorly drawn.
  • Hey....
  • *laughing noises*
  • *whistling noises*
  • (Joke) MS Paint Mickey Promo

    The photo negative form of MS Paint Mickey
