Abandoned: Discovery Island Fanon


Cam 1 Acephalous Running
'''This Page belongs to User:Distorted Mouse'

This page belongs to the User:Distorted Mouse, which you cannot edit this page without his permission, get permission from him if you want to edit it, or he will be heavily disappointed and your edit WILL be undone. Thanks, Have a Good One!


Photo_Negative_Mickey's Avatar


Photo_Negative_Mickey is the modeler for the game, and is also an easter egg hidden inside via his avatar. Photo_Negative_Mickey appears in the Staff Area via spam clicking the camera.


Photo_Negative_Mickey is almost like an inverted colored Suicide Mouse, he has black shorts, buttons, face, shoes, and gloves. He has white fur, body, and eyes. Unlike Suicide Mouse, he has a gloomy expression, with a frown.


If the Staff Are camera is clicked repeatedly over and over, the door with the "Mascots Only" sign, the one that also leads to Character Prep 1, will open slightly, Photo_Negative_Mickey peaking out of it. But within a short second, Photo_Negative_Mickey will slip behind the door, closing it once more.


  •  Photo_Negative_Mickey represents the character modeler for the game.
  •  If the same method is used in Remastered 3.0 of Five Nights at Treasure Island, Nightmare Suicide Mouse will be revealed instead of Photo_Negative_Mickey.
  •  This is the only animated camera scene, beside NOswald running through the Meat Freezer.