Abandoned: Discovery Island Fanon

so i had an idea which is making a fnati vr game. the gameplay will be the same but only in vr

sorry for the bad writing. i am good english but suck at writing english


the first thing i have to talk about is the singleplayer mode. so the singleplayer is the same like any other fnati game stay in the office and shut off a cam to get them away. now i will tell you how the game works in vr. so the first thing is the camera. you might think how do you pull up the camera well thats easy. how you pull the camera is to look at the table you can see a tablet on the table. picking it up will turn it on. to switch cams you have to push the cam button on the monitor and to shut off a cam push the red button on the monitor. now we are talking about hiding under the desk. so you might say how can you hide under the desk in vr again thats easy. to hide under the desk is to look down on you and point you're hand down on you're feet. if the floor lights up press the teleport button which is in the back of the vr controller. it will teleport you under the desk. while you are under the desk you can't pull up the monitor. also it is like  abandoned discovery island that you only have a 50/50 chance that you live or die. now the power. so how you turn off the power once again easy. to turn off the power is that if you look at the table you can see a big red button. pressing the button will turn the power off. it will also work like abandoned discovery island again that the characters will come into you're office less when the power is out. you also can hide under the desk when the power is out to not get killed. to use the flashlight when the power is out is to look at you're table. you can see a big flashlight that you can't grab when the power is on. picking it up will turn it on but characters will come more into you're office. to turn it off put it back to the table. the pirate caverns everybody fav place in the game. so you might say how would the caverns works in vr. one more time easy. how the pirate caverns is that you began in the place where you always began in fnati games. to go to other places is to point you're vr controller to the place where you want to go. it will show a dot at the place you're pointing .then you press the back button. it will teleport you to the place where you pointed at to enterect with thing. sorry if i spelled it wrong. is to use you're hand like grabing things and pushing thing's. that's the singleplayer for you kid in vr 


it took me about 2 to 3 hours to finish the single player blog


you might say multiplayer are you real with this. and the awnser is yes this is real. so how does multiplayer work. well it's kinda hard to say but i will do it the best as i can. so you start with to mode coop and verses. how coop works is that theres 3 players one plays as jake one plays as greg and one plays as lisa. the one that plays as jake is like in singleplayer and i don't have to say it all the one who plays as greg has to look at the generator he will be in a room called the generator room. he will be powering up the generator and making sure that none of the characters are in the room. when one of the characters are in the room you just gotta look at him long enough they will go away. the room is just a generator and 3 ways to get in the room. the north is the broadcasting room. the east is the characters prep 1. the south is the meat freezer. and the west is the generator. if the generators power goes to 0 it will shut down and the one that plays as jake will have a big problem. he can't use the camera and can't turn off the power that a problem because when a character goes into his room the only way to not die is to hide under the desk but remerber that you only have a 50/50 chance to live or die. by the way greg can't turn on the generator again when the generator is off. the one who play as lisa has to fix camera when they get broken. lisa is the only freeroaming of the 3 character. when a camera is broken lisa has to go to the camera and fix it it will take 10 sec to fix a camera. when a camera is broken jake only see's static and can't shut of a camera. when one of the support character like lisa and greg when one of them is dead. the game would not instently be over but jake would have a big problem but when a jake dies when everybody is alive you would get an instent game over 


finally we are going to talk about the verses. so how will the verses work well i'm glad to say that i'm dreppred. that's a joke by the way. so there 1 that plays as jake and 8 play as the characters. i can't say how all the characters work but can say that all the characters work the same as how they normaly work. like if you shut off a cam for character that have to get the cam shut off. they will teleport back where they are began. jake work the same as in singleplayer so i don't need to say any thing about him

new characters []

for now i don't any new characters but my original fnati character corruptor will be in the game heres is it's page https://abandoned-discovery-island-rp.fandom.com/wiki/Corruptor

jumpscares []

i dont know if i want to make the jumpscares 2d or 3d because if it's a 3d jumpscare you can just look away. if it's a 2d jumpscare you can't look away.

say if you want this game to be real.

and also post you're characters page down in the comments and if i like it i just might put it in the game.
